Running and walking are among the most popular types of recreational physical activity in Europe. It is estimated that around 50 million Europeans run regularly and many more enjoy walking. But in 2020, many of us stopped moving or moved less because of local restrictions. The European Mile is a fun and easy way to get moving again and reconnect with people around Europe by sharing your miles and donating them towards a common cause.
People from all walks of life can join one of the physical or virtual European Mile events, or donate their moved miles in support of selected grassroots sport or physical activity initiatives. For the European Mile, we consider the iconic distance 1.6 kilometres to be our key metric. But we also know there are many different mile distances, so we encourage you to #FindYourMile! Anyone can register an event or even join in with a self-organised activity. Simply share your run, walk or roll with the hashtag #FindYourMile to take part – every MOVE counts – and don’t forget to donate your miles right here!
The European Mile is an initiative supported by the Erasmus+ Sport programme of the European Commission and is coordinated by ISCA as part of the NowWeMOVE campaign.
FUN! Strong focus on the social aspects and the enjoyment of the activity.
EASY! By specifically delivering events with short distance (1.6 kilometers; “the mile”) the event focus on easy access and inclusiveness.
SHARED! The European Mile is a common brand that enables a feeling of togetherness, not only in the local event itself but across Europe.
LOCAL! By organising a smaller event in the local community, the less active citizens are more likely to take an interest, feel safe and join in.
MEANINGFUL! We will enable organisers and runners to “run for a greater purpose” and donate their miles/kilometers for good causes.